For over 10 years, Tim’s passion has been helping people, businesses and organisations to breakout and take themselves to the next level, in the areas that will provide the greatest long-term impact – be it financially, business success, leadership, strategy or health.

Throughout his military career, Tim had the honor of holding positions of leadership where he gained and provided elite mentoring, coaching and leadership training to both junior and senior ranks. Tim had the great privilege of leading multi-skilled teams (up to 90 soldiers) under high emotional and physically demanding conditions, anywhere between 2-6 months. Tim deployed on operations to the Middle East with the core leadership team that was responsible for supporting military communications and personnel across the entire area of operations. His deployment experience led to designing and execution of the HAWK Program, which to date is one of the fastest turnarounds for dealing with cultural change, peak performance, PTSD and transition.

Because of the diversity of leadership roles, conditions, challenges and constant human contact, Tim became obsessed passionately, with human excellence, emotional strategy, leadership performance and now, his deep appreciation of the field of applied psychology and change.

This was the driving force from which he successful built two companies. With immense gratitude towards having impacted the lives of 1000’s through company change & culture programs, live training events, mentoring, speaking and personal coaching to senior company executives and up to week long training and facilitations to entire organisations globally.



The psychology of peak performance

Cultural & organisational change excellence

Strategic intervention and turnaround, Business strategy


Contact us today for a no obligation discussion about the desired outcomes you would like to achieve.